The Art of Concentration

Lectures with Gen Shenyen | Wednesdays 7 – 8:30 pm

Course fee: 10 € (free for card-owners)

„From concentration comes peace“ – Nagarjuna

The essence of Buddhism is that the quality of our life depends upon the quality of our mind, and furthermore, inner peace is the source of all happiness. What we want then, is inner peace! When our mind is peaceful we’re happy, no matter what life is dishing up.

Buddha’s teachings on concentration take us on a guided tour of the mind and the breathtaking beauty we will come to know as we train our mind to be more concentrated, more aware, more in touch.

Training in concentration has many benefits, including enabling us to become happier people because we learn how to go beneath the noise of daily life and its distractions and tune into the wonderful qualities, which are natural to our mind.

Based on Buddha’s teachings on concentration and through guided meditations, Gen Shenyen will explain how we can train in the art of concentration so as to come to experience its many benefits for ourself.

6 Nov – The happiness of an undistracted mind
13 Nov – The clarity of the mind
20 Nov – Understanding the obstacles to concentration
4 Dec – Overcoming the obstacles to our concentration
11 Dec – Flying like an eagle

The evenings start with a relaxation meditation, followed by an inspiring explanation on a Buddhist topic. At the end of the class there is time for discussion and questions. The lectures and meditations are open to everyone and aim to improve our well-being and happiness in daily life, as well as provide an introduction to an authentic spiritual path. No matter whether you’re Buddhist or non-Buddhist, young or old – everyone is welcome!

Why meditate?

The purpose of meditation is to familiarize our mind with the insights and aspirations that naturally produce happiness. If we do this regularly, those peaceful and happiness-inducing states of mind, such as love, compassion, and wisdom, naturally spill over into our life. We become more confident and joyful in ourselves, more skillful at dealing with adversity, and more beneficial to others. Indeed, we begin to experience our life as something magical, imbued with great meaning and purpose, and we begin to get a taste of our mind’s boundless potential.

With Buddhist Nun Gen Shenyen

Gen Kelsang Shenyen has been studying and practising Kadampa Buddhism since 1994 under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

She clearly and practically shows how we can solve our problems and live a profoundly meaningful life through integrating Buddha’s timeless teachings into our daily life.


Kadampa Meditationszentrum Wiesbaden
Herderstr. 17, 65185 Wiesbaden

Notes for Booking

For booking you will be redirected to our booking software Fitogram. You have to create an account once. Only your name and email address are required. You can pay by credit card, direct debit or bank transfer.

Would you like to pay with Paypal? Then please select ‚bank transfer‘ as payment method. After completing the booking you will receive an email with all details about our bank account and our Paypal link.